Peer-Reviewed Articles
Playing Politics with Environmental Protection: The Political Economy of Designating Protected Areas (with Jacob Kopas and Johannes Urpelainen). Forthcoming, The Journal of Politics.
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Protests of Abundance: Distributive Conflict over Agricultural Rents during the Commodities Boom in Argentina, 2003-2013 (with M. Victoria Murillo). 2020. Comparative Political Studies 53(8), 1223–1258.
[journal] [pre-print] [appendix] [active citations]
Local Economic Voting and the Agricultural Boom in Argentina, 2007-2015 (with M. Victoria Murillo and Julia M. Rubio). 2018. Latin American Politics and Society 60(8), 27–53.
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Competitiveness, Partisanship, and Subnational Protest in Argentina (with Moises Arce). 2013. Comparative Political Studies 46(8), 895–919.
[pdf] [in Spanish]
Working Papers
Abolition Drives Property Rights: Theory and Evidence from Imperial Brazil (available on request).
- Winner of the 2021 Mancur Olson Award for the Best Dissertation in Political Economy in the previous two years, American Political Science Association.
- Winner of the 2019 Lanahan Award for the Best Graduate Student Paper, Northeastern Political Science Assotiation.
Crafting Property Rights in Abundant Resources: Abolition, Land Tenure, and Elite Bargains in Imperial Brazil (available on request).
Peasant Resistance in Times of Economic Affluence: Lessons from Paraguay (with Germán Feierherd, L. Rocío Duarte, and M. Victoria Murillo) [R&R].
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Economic Prosperity and Rural Unrest in the Twenty-First Century (with M. Victoria Murillo).
Work in Progress
Property Rights to Exclude Emancipated Slaves in the Postbellum South (with Elena Barham).
Do Property Rights Lead to More Engaged Citizens? Evidence from a Land Lottery in Argentina (with Horacio Larreguy and Antonella Bandiera).
Property Rights and Political Engagement in Colombia and Peru (with Jacob Kopas).
Weapons of the Strong: Immobile Capital, Leftist Threats, and Cadastral Fraud in Brazil.
Family Ties, Corruption, and Authoritarian Distribution: Evidence from Paraguay (with Horacio Larreguy and Antonella Bandiera).
Does Labor Coercion Foster State Capacity? Historical Evidence from Colonial Brazil.