University of Oxford (Tutor)
Comparative Government MPhil Core Course. Term 2020–2021. Course director: Robin Harding.
Columbia University (Teaching Fellow)
Please email me for complete teaching evaluations and recitation materials.Principles of Quantitative Political Research. Fall 2019. Instructor: Robert Shapiro.
[syllabus] TF mean score: 4.67/5
Data Analysis and Statistics for Political Science Research. Spring 2019. Instructor: Michael Parrot.
[syllabus] TF mean score: N/A (no recitation sections)
Advanced Regression Modeling. Fall 2018. Instructor: Andrew Gelman.
[syllabus] TF mean score: 4.81/5
Design and Analysis of Sample Surveys. Spring 2017. Instructor: Andrew Gelman.
[syllabus] TF mean score: 4.20/5
Introduction to Comparative Politics. Spring 2016 and 2015. Instructor: Kimuli Kasara (Spring 2016) and Hande Mutlu-Eren (Spring 2015)
[syllabus] TF mean score: 4.87/5 (2016) 4.24/5 (2015)
Latin American Politics: Democracy, Representation, and the Rule of Law. Fall 2016, 2015, and 2014. Instructor: M. Victoria Murillo.
[syllabus] TF mean score: 4.87/5 (2016) 4.25/5 (2015) 4.52/5 (2014)
In Argentina (Teaching Assistant)
Public Policy, Universidad de San Andrés. 2013.
Political Sociology, Universidad de Buenos Aires. 2010.
Introduction to Comparative Politics, Universidad del Salvador. 2008.